Precinct 1 ( Virginia City North )
57 - Trump
0 - Binkley
Precinct 2 ( Virginia City South-Gold Hill )
38 - Trump
0 - Binkley
Precinct 4 ( Mark Twain ):
83 - Trump
0 - Binkley
Precinct 5 ( VCH ):
160 - Trump
1 - Binkley
Precinct 6 ( Lockwood ):
71 - Trump (includes one ADA mail in ballot)
0 - Binkley
Precinct 11 ( Patrick )
4 - Trump
0 - Binkley
Precinct 15 ( Painted Rock )
2 - Trump
2 - Binkley
All other precincts had no votes
The Nevada Republican Party is holding its Presidential Caucus on Thursday February 8th, 2024 to elect our candidates for nomination.
All registered Republicans in Storey County as of January 8th 2024 are welcome to participate, whether they voted in the State run Nevada Presidential Primary or not.
The Caucus is held by precinct and you must vote at your precinct location.
- Precinct 4: Mark Twain Community Center
- Precincts 1 & 2: Virginia City High School
- Precinct 5: Virginia City Highlands Fire Station
- Precincts 3, 6, 11, 12 & 15: Lockwood Elementary
* Voter Id is required ( Valid State Issued Drivers License )
* Voting is by precinct on paper ballots
The doors open at 5:00 PM and voting closes at 7:30 PM. The Precinct Meeting Starts at 6:00 PM.
You arrive, go to the check in table and show your photo Voter ID. Your voter registration is verified on the State Party supplied list, you sign in and receive your ballot. At this point you can vote and leave or you can stay for the Precinct Meeting including the election of delegates to the county convention. The number of delegate seats for each precinct is established by the number of registered Republicans in the precinct.
An absentee voter verification form and an absentee ballot will be for the use of military personnel and their dependents, whether stationed inside or outside their county of registration, as well as any voter with a qualified condition/disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) which precludes the voter from attending the Caucus in person may cast an absentee ballot in the Presidential Preference Poll.
Please contact Lee Sterrett by phone (no text) @ 719-332-7263 or sterrett.lee@gmail.com to request an absentee ballot. If there is no answer by phone please leave a message and call back number and he will return your call.